The Best of the Week of the Test Tips
With the first ACT of the Fall 2016 semester almost upon us, we’re going to revisit some of our best tips for making the most out of the week leading up to the ACT or […]
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With the first ACT of the Fall 2016 semester almost upon us, we’re going to revisit some of our best tips for making the most out of the week leading up to the ACT or […]
Here at the Learning Island, we spend a great deal of time providing students with strategies that help them to understand and exploit the quirks and unwritten rules of the ACT and SAT. While there […]
This week we’ll conclude our examination of the changes to the ACT subscore system for the 2016-2017 test year with the Math and Science sections. While these changes won’t directly affect a student’s experience on […]
Last week we gave an overview of the changes to the ACT subscore system for the 2016-2017 test year. In this lesson, we’ll look at the changes to the English and Reading subscores in depth. […]
As we’ve talked about in the past, the College Board and ACT, Inc. take very different approaches to revising the SAT and ACT. The College Board makes major changes to the SAT and widely-publicizes those […]
On the ACT Reading section you may be asked what the “function” of a specific paragraph or paragraphs is in a passage as a whole. While these questions can seem vague and mysterious at first, […]