Science Tutoring in Atlanta

Science is the study of the world around us. In high school this includes both general courses in biology, chemistry, and physics, as well as more specialized electives in fields such as human biology, zoology, and forensic science. Advance Placement courses in the sciences for are offered for students who have already completed prerequisite high school level science classes. Both regular and AP science courses typically require a supplementary lab component that reinforces traditional classroom instruction with hands on demonstrations and experiments.


Biology is the study of life, from simple single-cell organism to complex animals. Students explore evolution, cellular processes, genetics, information transfer, the structure of living things, and their environment.

The AP Biology course provides a more rigorous, in depth experience for students who have already completed regular high school biology and chemistry classes. It cuts across traditional boundaries to provide a more comprehensive way of thinking about living organisms and biological systems. Twenty-five percent of a student’s time in AP Biology is spent in a laboratory setting making observations and predictions, designing experiments, analyzing data, and constructing arguments.


Chemistry studies the composition, structure, properties and change of matter. Students explore how matter changes when combined with or exposed to certain factors. Lab classes demonstrate the nature of these interactions through hands on experiments.

The AP Chemistry course provides an interdisciplinary approach to the topic for advanced students who have already completed general chemistry and Algebra II. Students in the class will explore topics including atomic structure, intermolecular forces and bonding, chemical reactions, kinetics, thermodynamics, and equilibrium. Twenty-five percent of a student’s time in AP Chemistry is spent in a laboratory setting making observations and predictions, designing experiments, analyzing data, and constructing arguments.


Physics is the study of matter and its movement through space and time. The main principles of physics, matter and force, require a more advanced understanding of mathematics than other high school science courses do. It is often considered a more difficult course because of the math it requires of students, and not all students will elect to take physics because of this.

AP Physics comprises two main courses, AP Physics 1 & 2; two additional AP Physics C courses are also available. All AP Physics classes are algebra-based courses that explore college level topics such as Newtonian physics and fluid dynamics. As with other AP science courses, twenty-five percent of the course is spent doing lab work that reinforces what students learn in the classroom. Students considering taking physics, especially those considering the AP version, should consider taking a mathematics refresher course before enrolling.
Working on science homework? We can help. Our expert science tutors cover Earth Science, Biology, Chemistry and Physics.